Dr. rer. nat. Robert Hertel
Research interests
I am interested in the diversity and biology of Bacillus subtilis phages. My primary viral model system is the B. subtilis 168 prophage SPβ.
Education – professional positions
07/2022 – open Guest Scientist, University of Göttingen
05/2020 – 06/2022 Group Leader, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
09/2018 – 05/2020 PI, University of Göttingen
03/2015 – 08/2018 Postdoc, University of Göttingen
10/2010 – 02/2015 PhD, University of Göttingen
04/2010 Diploma (Biology), University of Göttingen
Further trainig
Scientific project management according to §15 GenTSV (in Germany obligatory for the administration of an independent laboratory)
Permission according to § 44 ff. of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in Humans (IfSG) (in Germany obligatory to work with pathogens)
See the section Publications for details.
VAAM (German Society for Microbiology), ISVM (International Society for Viruses of Microorganisms), NFP (Nationals Forum Phagen)
Reviewer for:
FEMS Microbiology Letters (Oxford Academic)
Archives in Virology (Springer Nature)
Viruses (MDPI)
International Journal of Molecular Sciences (MDPI)
Genes (MDPI) Reviewer board member
BMC Genomics (Springer Nature)
Cells (MDPI) Reviewer bord member
Environmental Microbiome (Springer Nature)
Biomolecules (MDPI)
Microbiology (Microbiology Society)